Give Me Back My Television!

Posted by Allyson on 6:16 PM
Years and years ago I came across a blog called Television Without Pity (commonly abbreviated to TWoP). It offered snarky recaps of some of my favorite shows and also had forums for each show where fans could connect and talk about what was going on etc. I loved TWoP, would spend way to many hours on the forums, and I genuinely enjoyed the recaps because they were written by people who liked the show. When the site started it didn't have any kind of media affiliation, it was powered by ads and by profits generated in the store which sold hilarious shirts that I never bought. Two years ago the site was purchased by Yahoo! in order for it to be incorporated into Yahoo!'s TV section. I didn't have any problem with this. The layout remained the same and I was happy to see it get a little more exposure by referring Yahoo! readers to TWoP to get the latest recaps and gossip. Recently it was again bought out by Bravo, which is owned by none other than NBC Universal. Massive changes have been brought. The entire layout has changed, I see ads on TV for it, the original founders of the website have jumped ship, the writers of the recaps are boring and they are now about half as long and dry as a bone, and worst of all, active moderators have been established in every forum. This may not seem like a bad thing, but I used to LOVE participating on the Office forums, until Moderator "TWoP Barnes" showed up on the scene. So many rules were established that I couldn't even type straight. The entire forum was rearranged, she changed the titles of a lot of the actor threads to only say ACTOR: and then their name. John Krasinski's thread used to be called "John Krasinski: We'd Climb Him Like a Tree" and now it's just "ACTOR: John Krasinski." What. The. F**k. Honestly. I once aired my grievances about the new methods on a thread that this moderator started in order for us to ask her questions and get accustomed to her presence or something only to have my post DELETED. Deleted! She up and deleted my post because I was criticizing her methods. That is censorship, my friend. I have since all but eliminated any ties I've created with TWoP. I think everyone who reads this (all two of you) should make fake accounts and spam the hell out of them. I will if you will!


Or you could come check out FanForum. Maybe not your cup of tea (it's not really like TWOP at all), but worth thinking about. And we have a JK board :)

Allyson! tell me where and how and I will do it for you! :)


I loved TWoP as well -- for the recaps as opposed to the forums -- and I'm aghast at the swift and terrible decline of the site.

Allyson, have you checked out the blog of dear Ms. Barnes? She revels in being called a 'Nazi', so what does that tell you about her intelligence?

After being warned once, I was banned by the jack booted one. I forget why now, since her reasoning was as trivial as she is, but I imagine she gets off on the power trip.

Don't feel badly at the censorship, the moderators thrive on it and those who follow the rules in order to curry favor with the commandants would also have drunk the Kool Aid.

Pity them, as they are pathetic.

I just remembered -- I was happy about Ted Kennedy getting his just due thanks to karma, and the Nazi Ms. Barnes told me to 'quit the shit stirring' and banned me.

What a pathetic excuse for a female.

Allyson, here are the emails of all the wankers at TwoP, in case your readers want to write a love letter:







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