
Posted by Allyson on 5:25 PM
It looks like there is no way in the world I can finish my novel by the end of the month. I missed 6 days by being conveniently out of town and then when I get back I get sick! Yes, you heard me correctly. I'm sick with Strep Throat and I can't go back to work until Friday. Ohhhhh this sucks. What sucks even more is the fortune I'm going to have to pay because I got re-kicked off of the health insurance, but whatever, when you need antibiotics... It feels like I'm being repeatedly stabbed in the throat, especially when I swallow, which I can't do without making a face like I'm being stabbed in the throat. So, my main characters might just have to continue to live where I left them, 10000 words in, at night, them thinking about each other. Of course, the entire point of my novel hasn't come to fruition yet, I'm still two days from their "date", but what can I do? Nothing. It hurts for me to sit up and type this, no way can I make 40000 words in the next ten days. Oh, well. I guess I'll wait until next year.


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